Weed Control, Nitrogen Loss Among Challenges Facing Farmers with Soggy Field

June 23, 2010

Producers dealing with soggy fields will need to assess weed control and potential nitrogen loss after a very wet June in many parts of the state, UNL agronomists say.

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Flood-plagued Farmers Need to Move Quickly but Carefully

June 21, 2010

Farmers contending with flooded fields from this month's storms need to assess their options quickly and carefully, say University of Nebraska-Lincoln experts.

While everyone's situation is different, the first step is simple: Contact your crop insurance agent as soon as possible, said UNL Extension Educator Keith Glewen.

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Crop Insurance Impacts from Recent Flooding

June 15, 2010

Several crop production areas across Nebraska are flooded or soon may be, leading to questions of crop insurance adjustments and how best to manage these fields.

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Slow Harvest and Grain Drying

October 23, 2009

A record cool summer has yielded to a record cool fall. That combined with wet weather has slowed natural corn and soybean drying in the field, forcing farmers to dry their crops in the bin.

Nebraska farmers are facing harvest in wetter than normal conditions this year, said Tom Dorn, UNL Extension educator in Lancaster County.

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