Bacterial Blight Common in Soybeans

July 11, 2008

Frequent rains and stormy conditions have resulted in bacterial blight being prevalent this year in soybean fields. Bacterial blight caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea is present across Nebraska.

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Cercospora Leaf Spot Alerts on Panhandle District Web Site

July 17, 2008

Daily Cercospora leaf spot alerts are now available on the Web for sugar beet growers and others.


Updates are linked from UNL's Panhandle Research and Extension Center's site at

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Dig and Rate Roots to Evaluate Corn Rootworm Control

July 11, 2008

Photo of a western corn rootworm beetle
Western corn rootworm beetle

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Research Update: Fertilizer Rates and Timing for Irrigated Wheat

July 11, 2008

Winter wheat, long a mainstay of dryland agriculture in the Panhandle, is being grown on an increasing number of irrigated fields, according to Dr. Gary Hergert, soils and fertility specialist at the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center at Scottsbluff.

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What's Feedlot Manure Worth as Fertilizer?

July 11, 2008

Can manure be turned to gold?

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Play it Safe — Clean and Dispose of Pesticides and Containers Properly

July 11, 2008

Every year, more than 1 million plastic pesticide containers are used in Nebraska. Every one of these empty containers must be handled properly to ensure that our environment is protected.

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