Aaron Berger

209 E 3rd St Kimball NE 69145-1486
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Nebraska Corn at Moderate Risk for Stewart's Wilt and Flea Beetle Damage in 2009

Photo of stewart's wilt lesions
Figure 1. Stewart's wilt lesions from the leaf blight phase.

April 3, 2009

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Futures Markets: Where do They Fit in Your Marketing Plan?

April 3, 2009

This is one in a series of articles from specialists at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center on ag decisions in this time of economic undertainty.

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UNL Offers Information, Tools for Farm Bill Sign-up

April 3, 2009

On Tuesday the USDA extended the sign-up deadline from June 1 to Aug. 14 for the Direct and County-cyclical Program (DCP) and the new Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) Program. This allows the producer another 10 weeks to decide whether to participate in the ACRE program or remain in DCP.


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Long-Term No-Till Out Yields Tilled Comparisons

April 3, 2009

Cover Crops Add a New Dimension

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Getting the Most Benefit From Your Irrigation

Illustration of a pumping plant
Figure 1. (Top) A properly adjusted irrigation pump. (Above) A pump with worn seals will reduce efficiency, leading to wasted water, energy and input costs.

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Mazimizing Efficiency of Fertilizing Pastures

April 3, 2009 Nitrogen fertilizer prices are down a bit from last year, but still high, making this a good time to review and possibly revamp your fertilizer strategy to make sure you're getting the most efficiency and benefit.

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Using Prescribed Burning in Pasture Management

April 3, 2009

Prescribed Burning Basics
  1. Obtain a burn permit from your local fire chief.

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Play It Safe: Protect Endangered Species from Pesticides

April 3, 2009 Whenever you apply pesticides, it's your responsibility to take the necessary steps to protect endangered species that could be harmed by these pesticides.

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