Jeff Bradshaw - Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program

Jeff Bradshaw

Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 279D
Lincoln NE 68583-0933
Work 402-472-3345 On campus, dial 2-3345
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Western bean cutworm on corn

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight in 2024

June 19, 2024
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.

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Insects in a line on flat surface
Figure 1. Wheat stem sawfly adult (left) and the two species of Bracon parasitoids (middle and right) that are commonly found parasitizing wheat stem sawfly larvae in Nebraska. (Photo by Jeff Bradshaw)

Wheat Stem Sawfly Flights Peaked, New Reports of Range Expansion

June 12, 2024
In addition to confirming the presence of wheat stem sawfly in new Nebraska counties this year, Nebraska Extension anticipates fairly high pressure from the crop pest this growing season.

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Closeup of pesticide application on wheat field
For concerns regarding the use of chlorpyrifos on crops during the 2024 growing season, producers should contact their local extension educator for assistance.

Current Use of Chlorpyrifos and Food Tolerances

May 9, 2024
Nebraska Extension educators share guidance on the use of chlorpyrifos products on food and feed crops in the U.S.

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Army cutworm larvae in a hand

Army Cutworm Scouting Urged in Western Nebraska Wheat and Alfalfa

March 6, 2024
With recent warm weather, army cutworms have been spotted in southern Sioux County and central Lincoln County. Producers should begin scouting for this pest to mitigate crop damage, particularly in winter wheat and alfalfa.

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Western bean cutworm adult moth

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight

June 29, 2023
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.

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Miller moths

Spring Miller Moth Invasion

May 23, 2023
While they don't cause damage to plants when feeding, migrating army cutworm moths can be an irksome household pest. Fortunately, there are simple management methods to prevent them from entering homes and other structures. 

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Russian wheat aphids
Figure 1. Russian wheat aphids on a flag leaf of wheat.

Scout Your Wheat for Russian Wheat Aphids

May 24, 2022
Nebraska producers should begin scouting for Russian wheat aphids, as signs of this crop pest have begun appearing in Panhandle wheat plots and ongoing cool temperatures will support population growth. 

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Continued Good News for Grasshopper Risk on Rangeland

February 10, 2022
Based on fall adult surveys conducted by USDA-APHIS, the risk of grasshopper infestation in Nebraska rangelands will be low in 2022, with slightly higher risk in southwestern Nebraska.

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