Use the following key to help identify seven nutrient disorders observed in Nebraska corn and sorghum. BACK to the Soils page.
Symptom identification key for nutrient deficiencies in corn and sorghum. Select the best descriptor for your symptoms.
A1. | Symptoms appear first or are more severe on older and/or fully expanded leaves Select B1. or B2. | B1. Symptoms advance from leaf tip towards the base; no interveinal chlorosis Go to D | ||
B2. Symptoms begin as interveinal or marginal chlorosis Go to E | ||||
A2. | Symptoms appear first or are more severe on younger leaves Go to C | |||
C1. |
Symptoms are prominent interveinal chlorosis or necrosis; veins are prominent over length of leaf |
Iron deficiency | ||
C2. |
D1. |
Pale green plants; chlorosis or necrosis advance from the leaf tip along the midrib (Courtesy of the International Plant Nutrition Institute) |
Nitrogen deficiency | ||
D2. |
Dark green plants; dark yellow chlorosis advancing along purple color (Courtesy of the International Plant Nutrition Institute) |
Phosphorus deficiency | ||
E1. |
Dark green plants with chlorosis along the leaf margins developing to brown striping and necrosis (Courtesy of the International Plant Nutrition Institute) |
Potassium deficiency | ||
E2. |
Green-yellow plants with dark yellow interveinal chlorosis advancing to rust-brown necrosis |
Magnesium deficiency | ||
F1. |
Pale yellow plants; uniformly yellow leaves without necrosis |
Sulfur deficiency | ||
F2. |
Pale green plants; white to pale yellow bands in the lower half of the leaf which advance to pale brown or gray necrosis (Left photo courtesy of the International Plant Nutrition Institute) |
Zinc deficiency |