Other pages about bruise defects:

Cuts from slicingWound healing occurs when the skin or native periderm is broken or disrupted. The most common disruption is external bruising consisting of three types -- slicing, skinning and shattering. Bruising affects all potato markets. Disease entry and shrinkage have been mentioned in previous articles in this series but in processing there is also a reduction in product yield from peeling and blemishes reduce marketability as fresh produce. So part of understanding of wound healing is to discuss external bruising.

Cuts (Picture) result from sharp objects slicing into or through the potato tubers. Depending on the sharpness of the object, this results in a clean slice through the native periderm with little if any tearing. The most traumatic occurrence of cuts is during seed-piece preparation (see panel "Cutting Seed Tubers"). During harvest, cuts occur primarily during the digging and lifting process (see panel "Wounding at Harvest"). Obviously, one wants the blade of the digger to be below the tubers and not want sharp edges stick out into the flow of potatoes.


Chase, R.W. and Silva, G.H. 1987. Potato Bruising. Mich. St. Univ. Coop. Ext. Bull. E-2074.