Characteristics | Performance | Management Profile | Seed Spacing/Nitrogen Trials
The release of Ranger Russet was announced in 1991 by the USDA-ARS and Agricultural Experiment Station of Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Ranger Russet is grown for both the French fry, as an earlier frier than Russet Burbank, and the fresh markets.
Ranger Russet (A7411-2) was selected in 1977. It is an indeterminate variety whose vine is a medium-late maturation and is a medium-large plant. Frying quality of Ranger Russet is the same as for Russet Burbank at harvest and after 3-month storage. Sugar content is medium after storage at 45 F. Ranger Russet develops solids more rapidly than Russet Burbank and, therefore, are ready earlier for processing, about two weeks. Taste panel trials indicated similar baking quality between these two cultivars. Ranger Russet has been tested in the Western Regional Potato Variety Trials, and in various state and industry trials.
Summary of Plant Characteristics
- Purpose -- fresh market and frying
- Growth Type -- indeterminate
- Maturity -- mid to late; full season
- Dormancy -- short to medium, 2 to 3 months
- Vine -- medium to large, upright and spreading
- Leaves -- large and broad, medium green color
- Flowers -- abundant, red-purple
- Eyes -- moderately shallow to deep, high number, well distributed
- Tubers -- long, slightly flattened; medium russet skin
- Set -- light, less in number than Russet Burbank and slightly larger in size
- Specific Gravity -- higher than most russets
- Sugar -- lower than Russet Burbank
- Stem End Discoloration -- moderately resistant
- Bruising -- moderately susceptible to shatter and susceptible to internal blackspot
- External Defects -- moderately resistant to tuber malformations
- Internal Defects -- highly resistant to hollow heart
- Yields -- higher than Russet Burbank
- Table 1: Yield and specific gravity - Western trials (81-89)
- Table 2: Yield and specific gravity - Idaho trials (81-89)
- Table 3: Yield and specific gravity - Nebraska trials (90-91)
- Table 3b: Yield and specific gravity - Nebraska trials (90-96)
- Table 4: Yield and specific gravity by Nebraska regions (95-96)
- Disease susceptibility -susceptible to late blight and common scab; moderately so to leafroll virus, foliar early blight, and blackleg
- Disease tolerance -- moderately tolerant to early dying, tuber early blight, dry rot, and leafroll net necrosis, and resistant to PVX and PVY
- Herbicide - resistant to metribuzin injury; no problems reported
- Other -- develops solids more rapidly than R. Burbank, therefore ready for processing about two weeks earlier.