Alfalfa Weevil Larvae

alfalfa weevil larvaeInsecticides for Control of Alfalfa Weevil Larvae

Updated March 2, 2006 by Keith Jarvi. Check here for Department of Entomology updates

Economic Threshold

This list is not inclusive. See Doane's Agricultural Reports "greenbook" at: or other resources for additional registrations.
This information is presented in abbreviated form. Be sure to consult the label for additional information and restrictions.


IRAC Mode of Action Classification:
  • Group 1 = Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors; 1A = Carbamates; 1B = Organophosphates
  • Group 3 = Sodium channel modulators
R = Restricted-Use Product

Mode of

3 R Ambush 2E, 25W
or 25WP
permethrin 6.4 - 12.8 oz At 6.4 oz, no preharvest interval. Over 6.4 oz, preharvest interval of 14 days.
3 R Arctic 3.2EC permethrin 4 - 8 oz At 4 oz or less, no preharvest interval. Over 4 oz, preharvest interval of 14 days.
3 R Baythroid XL cyfluthrin 1.6 - 2.8 oz Preharvest interval of 7 days.
1B R Chlorpyrifos 4E chlorpyrifos 1 - 2 pts At 1.0 pt, no grazing or harvest for 14 days. Above 1.0 pt, no grazing or harvest for 21 days.
1B Cythion 5 malathion 1.5 - 2.0 pts No preharvest interval.
1B Cythion 8 malathion 1.25 - 1.5 pts No preharvest interval.
1A R Furadan 4 F carbofuran 0.5 - 2.0 pts At 0.5 pts, preharvest interval of 7 days. At 1.0 pt, preharvest interval of 14 days. At 2.0 pts, preharvest interval of 28 days.
1B R Guthion 3 azinphos-methyl 0.66 - 2.0 pts At 0.66-1.0 pt, preharvest interval of 14 days. At 1.0-1.3 pts, preharvest interval of 16 days. Over 1.3 pts, preharvest interval of 21 days.
1B R Imidan 70-WSB phosmet 1.3 lbs Preharvest interval of 7 days.
1A R Lannate LV methomyl 3.0 pts No preharvest interval. For grazing or feed, wait 7 days.
1A R Lannate SP methomyl 1 lb No preharvest interval. For grazing or feed, wait 7 days.
1B R Lorsban 4 E chlorpyrifos 1 - 2 pts At 1.0 pint, preharvest interval of 14 days. Over 1.0 pint, preharvest interval of 21 days.
1B Malathion 57 EC malathion 1.5 - 2.25 pts No preharvest interval.
1B R Methyl Parathion 4 E methyl parathion 0.5 - 1.0 pt Preharvest interval of 15 days.
3 R Mustang Max zeta-cypermethrin 2.24 - 4.0 oz Preharvest interval of 3 days.
1B R Nufos 4E chlorpyrifos 1 - 2 pts At 1.0 pt, no grazing or harvest for 14 days. Above 1.0 pt, no grazing or harvest for 21 days.
1B R Penncap-M methyl parathion 2 - 3 pts Preharvest interval of 15 days.
3 R Permethrin 3.2EC permethrin 4 - 8 oz At 4 oz or less, no preharvest interval. Over 4 oz, preharvest interval of 14 days.
3 R Pounce 3.2 E permethrin 4 - 8 oz At 4 oz, no preharvest interval. Over 4 oz, preharvest interval of 14 days.
3 R Pounce 25 WP permethrin 6.4 - 12.8 oz At 6.4 oz, no preharvest interval. Over 6.4 oz, preharvest interval of 14 days.
3 R Pounce WSB permethrin 0.1 - 0.2 lb At 0.1 lb, no preharvest interval. Over 0.1 lb, preharvest interval of 14 days.
3 R Proaxis gamma-
2.56 - 3.84 oz PHI - 1day forage, 7 days hay.
1A Sevin 4 F, XLR carbaryl 1.5 qts Preharvest interval of 7 days.
1A Sevin 80 WSP carbaryl 1.88 lbs Preharvest interval of 7 days.
3 R Silencer lambda-
2.56 - 3.84 oz Preharvest interval of 1 day for forage, 7 days for hay.
3 R Taiga Z lambda-
2.56 - 3.84 oz Preharvest interval of 1 day for forage, 7 days for hay.
3 R Warrior lambda-
2.56 - 3.84 oz Preharvest interval of 1 day for forage, 7 days for hay.