Is Your Irrigation System Ready for the Season?
June 7, 2017
Now is a good time to do a quick evaluation of the pumping plant, well, and center pivot to ensure they are in good working order before you have to rely on them during the heat of the summer. Here are a few quick checks you can do to help ensure a successful irrigation season.
Sprinkler Irrigation System Maintenance for Improved Uniformity and Application Efficiency
August 23, 2016
Center pivot irrigation systems are designed and managed to apply water as uniformly as possible to enhance crop production. Uniformity has a direct effect on the system’s overall application efficiency, which is a measure of how well an irrigation system delivers water to a crop’s root zone.
Atmometer (ETgage) Installation Tips
May 26, 2016
ETgages estimate potential crop evapotransiration, allowing growers to track crop water use and apply irrigation more precisely when the crop can best use it. Learn about how to prepare and install ETgages and use the resulting data. Includes table of crop coefficients for corn, soybean, and wheat.
Irrigation Sensor Installation Tips
May 26, 2016
As planting progresses across the state, it is recommended that irrigators start installing water sensors in fields as time allows. Any time sensors are installed, a few simple questions should be addressed to ensure accurate readings for irrigation management later this season.
1) When should sensors be installed?