Shannon Sand - Agricultural Economics Extension Educator

Hay in stacks
In Nebraska, hay prices fluctuate throughout the year due to several factors, including weather, supply and demand, and quality. For easy access to current hay prices, bookmark the link to CropWatch's hay markets page below.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fall Thistle Control, Hay Prices and Drought Concerns

September 26, 2024
Herbicide options for pasture thistles during fall, insights on hay price fluctuations due to factors like drought and market conditions, and addressing the impact of dry weather on pasture health and alfalfa harvest timing. 

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Pile of harvested corn for silage
Certain silage inoculants can significantly improve the aerobic stability of silage by reducing spoilage when it's re-exposed to air, making them especially useful for large silage piles or bunkers that are difficult to keep fresh.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Recommendations for Storing Quality Silage

August 14, 2024
Extension educators highlight the importance of using the right inoculants and storage methods for corn silage to improve fermentation, reduce spoilage and maintain feed quality.

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Bale in field of stubble
When preparing to harvest summer annual grasses, remember this mantra for best results: "Cut it early, cut it high, crimp the stems and they will dry."

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Harvest, Pasture Rental Rates and Controlling Yucca

July 24, 2024
Considerations for harvest of slow-to-dry summer annual grasses, setting 2024 pasture rental rates, and controlling yucca on Nebraska rangelands. 

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Musk thistle
For pastures with noxious weed thistles like this musk thistle, now is the time for spring herbicide applications, while the plants are still in the short rosette to bolted growth stages prior to flowering. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Selecting Summer Forages, Thistle Control Options

May 9, 2024
Insights on pasture rental rates, selecting summer forage based on needs for your operation, and control options for noxious weed thistles in pastures.

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Army cutworm eating wheat
Army cutworm larva chewing on a blade of wheat. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fertilizing Cool-season Pasture, Army Cutworm Control

April 29, 2024
Extension educators review timelines for turnout to summer pastures, calculating returns on fertilizing cool-season pastures, and tips for scouting army cutworm in alfalfa fields.

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Alfalfa weevil larvae and plant damage on alfalfa
Alfalfa weevil larvae (pictured at left) spend nearly all their time feeding on fresh leaf tissue, causing alfalfa plants to wilt and turn brown (at right), which can look similar to the effects of drought and cold injury. (CropWatch file photos)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Weevil Scouting, Dealing with Stress

March 12, 2024
Recommendations on scouting for alfalfa weevil in the coming weeks, and resources for ag producers dealing with stress and other impacts to their health and wellbeing.

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Gated fence on Nebraska pasture
Drought adds another layer of complication to the process of establishing fair pasture rental rates. Landowners renting pasture in severe drought-impacted regions might consider pricing leases based on grazing animal unit months or rent per head per month of grazing, rather than flat rates per acre or cow-calf pair.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Pasture Leasing Rates and Alfalfa Winter Survival

February 22, 2024
Extension educators share insights on establishing pasture rental rates and selecting alfalfa seed for winter survival traits.

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Closeup of man preparing tax forms
IRS Section 180 allows landowners to treat the residual fertility present in the soil at the time of purchase as a deductible cost. Though the deduction should be filed during the year of land purchase, landowners may be able to file an amended tax return for a previous tax year. It’s important to consult your CPA or tax advisor to understand your options and file accordingly.

Pasture and Forage Minute: A Closer Look at Section 180, Forage Inventory Season

February 6, 2024
With recent land purchases, many Nebraska producers are seeking to better understand IRS Section 180 tax deductions. This article provides a review of the tax code and its potential financial implications for landowners of newly acquired land.

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