More Diverse Crop Rotations Improve Yield, Yield Stability and Soil Health
October 25, 2021
Results from a long-term rainfed no-till crop rotation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer systems study, which concluded that crop rotation has more agronomic and soil benefits compared to fertilizer-N alone.
Corn Residue Baling Workshop to be held at Husker Harvest Days
August 28, 2018
View daily demonstrations of corn residue baling equipment and get answers to your questions about its use at this year's Husker Harvest Days.
Crop Residue Removal: Impacts on Yield
December 8, 2017
A review of multiple research studies indicates that where moisture is not limited, residue removal can result in no yield reduction to yield increases for the subsequent crop. However, long-term residue removal has been shown to affect other production factors and it's recommended that even in minimal erosion areas, removing residue does impact other production factors and it's recommended that 2.4 tons/acre of residue be left in the field.
Amelioration Strategies after Corn Residue Removal
December 7, 2017
The authors review three research studies on how amelioration practices such as adding cover crops and/or manure may offset any effects of removing crop residue.
Corn Stover Removal: Nutrient Value of Stover and Impacts on Soil Properties
December 7, 2017
Corn residue has a number of uses and thus its value as well as its impact on other systems may need to be estimated when evaluating post-harvest options. This article looks at how to estimate the nutrient value of the residue and potential impacts to the soil from removing the residue, based on Nebraska research.