Lance Meinke - Professor of Entomology

Lance Meinke

volunteer, emeriti
  • Emeritus Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 109B
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2123 On campus, dial 2-2123
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Faculty Bio

Overwintering sawfly larva
The recent temperature extremes will not provide adequate control of pests such as this overwintering sawfly larva.

How Have the Cold February Temperatures Affected Insect Overwintering in Nebraska?

February 26, 2021
Extension specialists detail what effect February's bitter temperatures and snow cover may have on overwintering insects in Nebraska.

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Corn rootworm

Which Bt Traits Do You Need to Buy?

November 15, 2018
When it comes to buying corn seed, one way to save money is to ensure you are not investing in GMO insect protection traits you do not need for your particular farm or field. This guide can help you determine which traits you need where.

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Corn Rootworm Management Update

January 8, 2018
From the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings: Corn rootworm continues to be a problem for Nebraska growers who rotate crops infrequently. Additionally, resistance to insecticides and some Bt corn reduces efficacy of these important tools in some fields.

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Fall armyworm
Fall armyworm

Which Bt Traits Do You Need to Purchase?

October 12, 2017
When it comes to buying corn seed, avoid investing in GMO insect protection you don't need. This guide looks at available traits and which proteins are effective on which pest species to help growers select the product best suited to their fields.

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western bean cutworm in corn
Figure 1. (left) Western bean cutworm causing feeding damage in corn. (Photo by Jim Kalisch and Silvana Paula-Moraes) (right) A green lacewing beneficial insect eating western bean cutworm eggs. (Photo by Julie Peterson)

Which Bt Traits Do You Need to Purchase?

March 24, 2017
When it comes to buying corn seed, one way to save money can be to ensure that you don't invest in GMO insect protection traits that you do not need for your particular farm or field. Which corn rootworm, western bean cutworm, or European corn borer traits do you need? This article can help you determine which of the nine types of Bt proteins might best serve your needs.

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