Krystle Rhoades - TAPS Program Coordinator

TAPS Crowdsourcing team banner

TAPS Crowdsourcing Team Makes First Decisions of the Season

April 28, 2022
To date, the TAPS Crowdsourcing Team has determined a series of pre-plant decisions, including hybrid company, seed variety, population density and pre-plant nitrogen amount, with some interesting results.

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TAPS Crowdsourcing team banner

UNL-TAPS Program Presents New 2022 Crowdsourcing Team

March 31, 2022
The Crowdsourcing Team will have its own plot at WCREEC and compete in real time against all traditionally participating competitors of the 2022 TAPS sprinkler corn contest using a majority rule system of decision-making. 

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TAPS logo

2022 TAPS Competitions Begin with Learn, Launch, Interact Event

February 18, 2022
Attendees will learn everything they need to know about participating in the 2022 TAPS competition.

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Rattlesnake Boys check presentation

UNL-TAPS Celebrates Fifth Year with 2021 Awards Banquet

January 18, 2022
In addition to crowning the 2021 Outstanding TAPS Advocate, program organizers revealed all award winners of the 2021 competitions for greatest yield, highest input use efficiency and profitability.

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TAPS practium flyer

TAPS to Host Practicum Series in 2022

November 2, 2021
A new six-part practicum series will focus on effective water and nitrogen conservation methods in corn production, supported by data from the Testing Ag Performance Solutions program.

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Sprinkler corn irrigation chart

A Busy Irrigation Season for 2021

October 7, 2021
This article features a summary of the irrigation decisions made in each Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) competition this year, which will be vital as the 2021 program comes to an end. 

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Sprinkler Corn graph

Nitrogen Management Decisions Finalized

September 1, 2021
Nitrogen management is the fourth of six management decisions to be finalized in the corn competitions, with only irrigation and marketing left to round out the 2021 TAPS contests.

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TAPS sdi corn planted graph

TAPS Competitions Planted Amid Cool, Wet May

June 9, 2021
With corn fields now planted, TAPS readies for its fifth year of crop competitions, which will compare sprinkler irrigated corn, subsurface drip irrigated (SDI) corn and grain sorghum from a multitude of corn and grain sorghum hybrids.

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