Katie Pekarek - Former Extension Educator

Priority Website: Water.unl.edu

Highboy interseeder in field

Highboy Cover Crop Interseeding Project Fall 2023 Updates

March 28, 2024
Researchers share insights from the second year of the study, wherein they experimented with delayed interseeding dates to maximize cover crop establishment.

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Cover crop in field
Cover crop mix (cereal rye and brassicas) in a field on Oct. 12. Last year’s cereal rye residue is still visible.

Broadcast Interseeding with a Highboy — What We Learned in Year One

December 16, 2022
First-year results of a study to assess cover crop establishment using broadcast late-season interseeding in rainfed and irrigated fields.

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Highboy interseeder

Highboy Cover Crop Interseeding Project

October 6, 2022
Interested producers are encouraged to participate in this new UNL project, wherein researchers are interseeding cover crops into late-season corn to provide additional growth time before winter dormancy.

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Cover crop mix drill interseeded
Cover crop mix drill interseeded into V4 corn growing well by V8-9 leaf corn. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Comparing Cover Crop Planting Methods

September 1, 2022
While planting cover crops after harvest with a drill or planter may be the most convenient, there are several other planting methods that can increase cover crop success as measured by biomass production.

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cover crops in a field

Seeding Rates for Broadcasting Cover Crops Into Late-season Corn and Soybean

August 31, 2022
The middle to end of September is a good time to establish cover crops by broadcasting seeds into corn or soybean before harvest, which allows the crop to capture more sunshine, growing degree days and rainfall.

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