Justin McMechan - Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist

Justin McMechan

  • Assoc Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 105B
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2312 On campus, dial 2-2312
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Soybean gall midge larvae on plant stem

Insect Pest and Plant Diseases in Soybean: A Nebraska Soybean Board-funded Project

July 10, 2024
In a new study, UNL researchers are using unconventional treatments on soybean insects and diseases to investigate the relationships between certain pests and how their interactions impact crop yield.

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Photo collage of insect on plant leaf and hand holding bisected plant stem
Figure 1. Adult soybean stem borer, Dectes texanus texanus (left) and larval tunneling in soybean petioles (right) at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center in June 2024.

Dectes Stem Borer in Soybean

July 10, 2024
A difficult insect to manage, soybean stem borer has expanded its reach in Nebraska. This extension article reviews considerations for scouting and control options, plus resources for producers to learn more on this crop pest.

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Western bean cutworm on corn

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight in 2024

June 19, 2024
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.

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Soybean gall midge larvae on stem

Soybean Gall Midge Adult Activity Detected in Nebraska

June 5, 2024
Soybean gall midge has been detected recently in several locations across eastern Nebraska. This article provides information to growers on how to determine if an application is necessary.

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Soybean seedling damaged by pillbugs

Pillbugs Causing Injury to Soybean Crops in Nebraska

May 23, 2024
Management of pillbugs is challenging. While some insecticides and planting strategies may help control pillbug populations, producers should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each approach.

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Map of soybean gall midge infestation locations in Midwest
A total of 164 counties have been documented as infested with soybean gall midge as of Aug. 9, with two new counties located in Kansas and six counties in Iowa.

Soybean Gall Midge Detected Across Nebraska Fields

September 12, 2023
With soybean gall midge emergence dates and locations advancing in the state, Nebraska Extension educators stress the importance of scouting and documenting observations, which can inform ongoing research on management options.  

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Hail-damaged soybean

Hail Damage to Soybean in Reproductive Stages and Options

July 14, 2023
Nebraska Extension educators and specialists share replant recommendations for soybean producers recently affected by hailstorm damage.

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Hail-damaged corn

Hail Damage to Late Vegetative to Silking Corn and Options

July 3, 2024
For producers with crop damage from recent hailstorms, the timing of storms, crop development stage, field damage, subsoil moisture and insurance are important factors to consider when deciding the next course of action.

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