John Wilson - Extension Educator Emeritus

John Wilson

111 N 13th St Tekamah NE 68061-1098
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Location: Based in Burt County with responsibilities there and in Thurston and Dakota counties; statewide responsibilities with soybean cyst nematode education
Program Areas:  Crop Production, particularly corn, soybeans & alfalfa; integrated pest management, particularly insects, diseases & nematodes
Focus Area: Soybean cyst nematodes and soybean diseases
Education: BS and MS degrees in agronomy (crop production option) from University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Table of variegated cutworm moth counts for April 1-28, 2016
Variegated cutworm moth counts

Insect Moth Trap Counts - 2016

April 28, 2016

Moth traps have been established at 12 sites in northeast, east central, southeast and south central Nebraska to monitor flights of armyworm, black cutworm, and variegated cutworm moths.  The results are presented below and will be updated weekly through May.

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