Jerry Volesky - Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist

Pivot irrigation

Pasture and Forage Minute: Weed Control and Cross Fencing Strategies

May 4, 2021
Extension educators discuss methods for controlling musk thistles in pastures this spring, plus recommendations on herbicides for alfalfa weeds and using electric fence as a cross fencing tool to encourage more uniform grazing.

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Cattle grazing pasture
If turned out early enough, cattle will successfully graze reed canarygrass, which is very nutritional at a young growth stage (less than 10 inches tall).

Pasture and Forage Minute: Spring Turn-out Strategies, Seedbed Preparation and Grazing Reed Canarygrass

April 27, 2021
In this week's Pasture and Forage Minute, Extension educators discuss the best time and location for spring turn-out and how to encourage cattle to graze reed canarygrass.

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Pasture grass

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Growth and Seeding Concerns, Selecting Herbicides

April 19, 2021
Maximize water usage in your alfalfa fields this year with tried-and-true techniques, such as adding cereals and no-till seeding.

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Cattle grazing pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Preventing Grass Tetany, Flash Grazing for Early Weed Control

April 7, 2021
Extension specialists share techniques for preventing grass tetany and controlling weeds in warm-season grass pastures, plus a review on pasture rental rates in 2021.

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Prescribed burn image
When preparing for a prescribed burn, remember that warm-season grasses are best burned from mid-April to early May. (Photo by Troy Walz)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Small Grains and Prescribed Burning

March 31, 2021
With the onset of April, Extension experts stress the need for preparing and finalizing your forage grazing and prescribed burning plans.

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Oats and ryegrass in field
A spring pasture mix of oats and ryegrass. (Photo by Jerry Volesky)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Improving Forage Quality with Oats, Italian Ryegrass, Grass Mixtures

March 17, 2021
This week, Extension experts Jerry Volesky and Brad Schick discuss ways to supplement a low quality spring pasture and the strategy behind mixing grasses into your alfalfa fields. 

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Buffer Strip Plant Selection

October 31, 2019
When planning a vegetative buffer strip, select grasses, shrubs, and trees that will perform well in your geographic area. Here's an introductory guide as to what works well in different areas of the state.

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Sand-covered pasture near Ravenna
Spring flooding left deposits of sand and silt on many acres of river-frontage property, such as this pasture near Ravenna. A May 13 workshop will look at treatments and practices to recover these acres for production.

Workshop: Recovering River Frontage Ag Land

May 2, 2019
After spring flooding, many river frontage pastures and crop fields were left with sand and silt deposits ranging from a few inches to up to three feet. Recovering that land for production will be the focus of a May 13 on-site workshop near Ravenna.

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