Jennifer Weisbrod – Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator, Extension Educator

student, faculty
Graduate Student
Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 377F
Lincoln NE 68583-0971
Work 402-472-1632 On campus, dial 2-1632

Update on Roundup™ Brand Herbicides

September 28, 2021
We want to make you aware of recent developments regarding the herbicide Roundup™. While variations on the Roundup name have been used for a variety of different herbicides marketed by Bayer (formerly Monsanto), this article discusses only the Roundup formulations that contain glyphosate as their active ingredient.

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Applying pesticide

New Safety Measures for Herbicide Paraquat

August 12, 2021
The U.S. EPA is proposing new measures to reduce risks associated with Paraquat in order to protect human health and the environment.

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Weed guide customer map
Figure 1: Weed Guide customers across the USA (data from UNL Marketplace, 2019). (Photo by Stevan Knezevic)

Extension Marks 61 Years of Weed Guide with User Survey

May 5, 2021
Producers and other agricultural professionals are invited to participate in an anonymous survey about how they utilize Nebraska Extension's Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management in Nebraska.

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Bagged containers to recycle
PSEP file photo

Nebraska’s Pesticide Container Recycling Program Enters its 30th Year

May 5, 2021
The Nebraska Pesticide Container Recycling Program provides a way for private and commercial applicators to safely and responsibly dispose of their pesticide containers, free of charge.

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Broadleaf cover crop
When using a burndown herbicide to terminate broadleaf cover crops and weeds this spring, planting intervals often may negate the use of many 2,4-D products prior to Enlist E3® soybean planting. (Photos by Amit Jhala).

Which 2,4-D Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Enlist E3® Soybean?

April 22, 2022
A review of the best production options for growers who are preparing to terminate broadleaf cover crop species and winter annual broadleaf weeds using 2,4-D products.

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