Revisions to Worker Protection Standard Effective January 2017
January 10, 2017
Agricultural workers and handlers will have increased protection under revisions to the Worker Protection Standards that became effective in January 2017 and additional regulations that will become effective in January 2018.
Winter Pesticide Storage
September 29, 2016
Check out these recommendations for storing away pesticides and your sprayer to avoid product loss and equipment damage over winter.
Grain Engulfment: Quicksand of the Midwest
September 23, 2016
Grain engulfment can take a life in a matter of seconds. Followning these precautions can help keep you safe and always remember to have someone nearby if you do have to enter the bin.
Protect Your Lungs with Properly Fitted Respiratory Masks
September 23, 2016
Working around grain means working around dust and chaff. Dusts have the potential to cause health problems or even permanent lung injury. Breathing dust from stored grain or old hay means breathing in fecal material from rodents and birds, as well as molds, fungus, and bacteria in the enclosed environment.
Laundering Clothing after Applying Pesticides
May 4, 2016
A guide to handling and laundering clothing worn during pesticide application, including 10 tips for the laundry room.
Pesticide Container Recycling Available at 24 Sites in 2016
April 6, 2016
Nebraska’s voluntary pesticide container recycling program has reason to shout. Now in its 25th year, the program has recycled more than 2.27 million pounds of pesticide containers since 1991.