Undersowing Red Clover Into Winter Wheat as an N Source for Corn
March 11, 2020
Red clover can be an excellent green manure that fixes nitrogen, suppresses weeds, and increases corn yields. As a slow-growing cool-season legume, it is suitable to undersowing into winter small grains in early spring.
Long-Term Study Suggests Management Adaptations for Weather Extremes
July 16, 2019
From droughts to flooding, extreme hydrological phenomena are the costliest hazards in rainfed agriculture. A recent journal article explores how a long-term tillage study in northeast Nebraska can offer insights on successfully adapting to future climate changes by adjusting specific management practices.
Nutrient Management Suggestions for Corn Updated in EC117
July 9, 2019
The Nebraska Extension Circular, Nutrient Management Suggestions for Corn (EC117), has been updated to account for residual soil nitrate-N and provide an alternative for determining fertilizer-P rates.