Aaron Berger - Beef Extension Educator

Aaron Berger

209 E 3rd St Kimball NE 69145-1486
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Pasture near rock formation in western Nebraska
Pastures are only one of the feed sources producers use for livestock. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Annual Forage Options Following Irrigated Winter Wheat

August 15, 2024
Extension insights on forages to plant after wheat harvest in western Nebraska, where low rainfall and cool-season pasture decline is an obstacle for producers needing fall forage. 

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Haybales in field
Bales of hay are stored for winter along the fence line. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Drought Plans Should be Updated, as Weather Predictions Could Impact Forage

June 7, 2024
With significantly lower hay prices and concerns about reduced forage production this summer, producers should consider securing a portion of the expected needed hay supplies for next fall and winter now.

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Man filling out tax forms at desk
For farmers and ranchers, having investments like a retirement account can help mitigate risk. Often, retirement funds grow at a higher rate than inflation, protecting a person’s purchasing power later in life.

One-Participant 401(k): Saving for Retirement and Reducing Taxes

January 31, 2024
Insights on saving for retirement and reducing tax liability for self-employed farmers and ranchers.

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Phone displaying IRS website and cash money
According to USDA, only 40% of farm households participate in some type of retirement account.

One-Participant 401(k) as a Tool for Farmers and Ranchers

January 31, 2024
Center for Ag Profitability experts review features of the One-Participant 401(k), which helps self-employed individuals and their spouses save money for retirement and reduce taxable income.

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Corn field
Having the experience and facilities to put up silage is one of many important considerations for producers faced with forage shortage concerns this year. (UNL Beef photo)

Is That Corn Crop Worth More as Silage or Grain?

August 16, 2023
When evaluating whether to harvest a field for silage or grain, there are several factors to consider. Both methods of harvest have advantages and disadvantages depending upon an operation’s goals and objectives.

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Hailed field
Hail on July 8 took corn down to the stalk in some areas of Nebraska. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Annual Forage Options After Hail

July 14, 2023
Before planting forages in fields where your crop was destroyed by hail, take a moment to review these financial management and cropping system considerations.

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Cattle grazing
Grazing wheat or harvesting it early in the boot stage for hay could also open a window of opportunity to plant a summer annual forage into the wheat stubble as a second crop if good moisture conditions are present. (Photo by Troy Walz)

Winter Wheat May Have More Value as Forage Than Taking It to Grain

May 4, 2023
Due to current cattle market conditions, and the price and availability of hay, Nebraska Extension Educator Aaron Berger evaluates the value of grazing or haying winter wheat this year.

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Summer annual forage test plot - Aaron Berger
Figure 1. Foxtail millet is a summer annual frequently grown for hay in the Nebraska Panhandle.

Summer Annual Forages Following a Failed Wheat Crop

May 10, 2019
With a good soil moisture profile but a failing wheat crop, planting summer annual forages may be a good alternative. The summer annual forage that is the best fit will depend on the production system and goals of the producer.

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