Extension Webcast Offers Overview of Small Wind Turbines

Extension Webcast Offers Overview of Small Wind Turbines

January 23, 2009

A Feb. 13 webcast sponsored by an eight-state Extension team including University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension offers an overview of small wind turbines used for wind energy.


Land owners, business owners, local utility representatives and economic development officials all can benefit from the program. Topics will include: applications, estimating wind turbine production, policies and economics, the process for installing small wind turbines, small wind system components and technology questions.

Information will be presented by Antonio C. Jimenez of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory/National Wind Technology Center. Jimenez is a member of the NREL Wind Powering America team. He administers NREL's Native American Anemometer Loan Program and provides analysis assistance to tribes contemplating wind energy projects.

When logging on to the webcast, simply click on "Click to Enter" under the "Enter as Guest" heading. Enter name to enter the meeting space. The instructions that detail how to join the integrated phone audio conference will be on the screen when joining the meeting.

Anytime before the webcast, visit http://breeze.extension.iastate.edu/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm to confirm ability to connect to the virtual meeting room.

To check the audio, connect to an archived web seminar at http://connect.extension.iastate.edu/p48538028.

Some UNL Extension offices are hosting this workshop. Check with yours to see if it's available.

The webcast is an activity of the High Plains Extension Energy Team for Community Development, which consists of professionals from North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, South Dakota and Oklahoma.

For more information in Nebraska, contact John Hay at jhay2@unl.edu or (402) 472-0408.

Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service

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