SDN Publication Cover on Big Data

How University Ag Researchers, Extension are Wrangling Big Data

February 2, 2018
Farmers get bits of data, layers of data, in fact so much data it can be hard to interpret and use to make relevant farm management decisions. Read how faculty in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources are helping farmers understand and use all kinds of big data to aid management decisions.

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Figure 1. Yeyin Shi, new Nebraska Extension agricultural systems information specialist in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, uses a hybrid drone with rotary wings for vertical takeoff as well as featues of fixed wing drone that allows for a gliding flight style.
Figure 1. Yeyin Shi, new Nebraska Extension agricultural systems information specialist in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, uses a drone with hybrid features including rotary wings for vertical takeoff and featues of a fixed wing drone that allows for a gliding flight style.

Learn How to Get Started with Drones at the NCMC this January

December 13, 2017
“Getting Started with Drones in Agriculture” is one of 27 sessions being offered at the Nebraska Crop Management Conference Jan. 24-25 in Kearney. These presentations are part of Nebraska Extension Specialist Yeyin Shi's work to research drone use and aid farmers integrating drones for scouting and many types of plant and field assessment.

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Unmanned Aircraft Research Team: (left to right) Joe Luck, Christopher Neale, Wayne Woldt, George Meyer, Derek Hereen, Yufeng Ge, (inset) Eric Frew

Drones Buzzing Toward Increased Crop Production

October 18, 2017
A new research project funded by a $500,000 USDA grant and support from the University's Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute seeks to deploy unmanned aircraft (drones) in search of improved crop irrigation efficiency. The project will conduct regular drone flights throughout the season, using advanced remote sensing systems and in-field sensors to collect data.

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Figure 1. Data collected by the multispectral sensor on this drone will be used to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications, part of a producer research project funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. (Photos by Laura Thompson)
Figure 1. Data collected by the multispectral sensor on this drone will be used to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications, part of a producer research project funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. (Photos by Laura Thompson)

SARE Grant Aids Farmer in Using Drones to Test N Applications

October 2, 2017
Dean Stevens well knows the value of getting a bird’s-eye view of his crops to assess plant health, wind damage, and pest threats. Now, with the support of an NCR SARE grant, this southeast Nebraska farmer is using a drone outfitted with crop sensors to assess corn nitrogen needs and respond with variable rate in-season applications.

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Market Journal screen shot

Market Journal on Cover Crops and Weed Control, Drones, and Making Silage

September 8, 2017
View segments from the Sept. 8 Market Journal, including one with Nebraska Extension Cropping Systems Specialist Rodrigo Werle on cover crops and weed control.

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A closeup of a center pivot irrigation system

Precision Ag Training Aug. 2 - Learn How to Optimize Your Tech

July 21, 2017

 Utilizing precision ag technologies effectively can streamline production efficiencies. Attend Nebraska Extension’s Aug. 2 Precision Ag Clinic to view field demonstrations and learn more about how to collect and decipher your data.

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NU-AIRE graphic
NU-AIRE graphic

Extension Home Study Course Prepares Drone Pilots for Exam

April 25, 2017

If you are interested in earning your Part 107 Remote Pilot certificate so that you can fly unmanned aircraft (drones) for commercial purposes, a new Nebraska Extension home study course will be of interest to you.

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drone UAS

Program on Drones in Ag April 6 in Harrisburg

March 20, 2017

A roundtable discussion and demonstration designed to inform agriculture producers of opportunities to use drone technology in their operations is scheduled for April 6 at Harrisburg. The program will be held from 1-3 p.m. at the Banner County Museum.

Speakers and topics will include:    

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