April 13, 2017
Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 2): In-Season Management Considerations
By Jenny Rees - Extension Educator, Roger Elmore - Emeritus Extension Cropping Systems Agronomist, Loren Giesler - Extension Plant Pathologist, Thomas Hunt - Extension Entomologist, Suat Irmak – Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, Amit Jhala - Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist, Nathan Mueller - Former Extension Educator, Charles Shapiro - Extension Soil Scientist—Crop Nutrition, James Specht - Emeritus Professor of Agronomy, Allan Vyhnalek - Extension Educator, Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition, Robert Wright - Extension Entomologist
September 1, 2016
2016 Winter Wheat Varieties for Nebraska
By Dipak Santra - Alternative Crops Breeding Specialist, Teshome Regassa - Research Assistant Professor, Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, P. Stephen Baenziger - UNL Professor and Nebraska Wheat Growers Presidential Chair, Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist
June 23, 2016
Control Volunteer Winter Wheat and Other Weeds Now to Increase and Protect 2017 Yields, Income
By Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist, Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Jeff Bradshaw - Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program, Stephen Wegulo - Extension Plant Pathologist, Gary Hein - Former Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program, Tony Adesemoye - Extension Plant Pathologist, Justin McMechan - Doctor of Plant Health & Entomology Graduate Student
April 8, 2016
Wheat Condition and Soil Moisture Reports
By Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist, Robert Tigner - Agricultural Systems Economist Educator, Paul Hay - Exension Educator, Karen DeBoer - Former Extension Educator, Ron Seymour - Extension Educator, Chuck Burr - Crops and Water Extension Educator