December 14, 2017
Results of 2017 Survey on Nebraska Soybean Farmers’ Adoption of Xtend Technology and Off-Target Dicamba Movement
By Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Amit Jhala - Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist, Chris Proctor - Weed Management Extension Educator, Jenny Brhel - Extension Educator
August 18, 2017
Tell Us about Your Dicamba Use and Suspected Injury in Soybean
By Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Amit Jhala - Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist, Chris Proctor - Weed Management Extension Educator, Jenny Brhel - Extension Educator
August 4, 2017
Scout Corn Fields for Kernel Set
By Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Jenny Brhel - Extension Educator, Nathan Mueller - USDA NRCS, State Soil Health Specialist, Roger Elmore - Emeritus Extension Cropping Systems Agronomist
July 13, 2017
Why Control of Volunteer Wheat is Critical to Protecting 2018 Yields
By Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist, Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Jeff Bradshaw - Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program, Stephen Wegulo - Extension Plant Pathologist, Gary Hein - Former Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program, Tony Adesemoye - Extension Plant Pathologist, Justin McMechan - Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist
May 24, 2017
Field Pea Field Days Scheduled for June at 5 Locations across Nebraska
By Strahinja Stepanović - Former Extension Educator, Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Chuck Burr - Crops and Water Extension Educator, Dipak Santra - Alternative Crops Breeding Specialist, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist
March 13, 2017
Field Pea Seeding Rates, Seeding Depth, and Inoculant
By Strahinja Stepanović - Former Extension Educator, Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Chuck Burr - Crops and Water Extension Educator, Dipak Santra - Alternative Crops Breeding Specialist, Julie Peterson - Extension Entomologist, Tony Adesemoye - Extension Plant Pathologist, Daran Rudnick - Former Extension Irrigation Management Specialist
March 10, 2017
Field Pea Production: Rotational Costs and Benefits
By Strahinja Stepanović - Former Extension Educator, Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Chuck Burr - Crops and Water Extension Educator, Dipak Santra - Alternative Crops Breeding Specialist, Julie Peterson - Extension Entomologist, Tony Adesemoye - Extension Plant Pathologist, Daran Rudnick - Former Extension Irrigation Management Specialist