Scientific Literature and Resources
U.S. Government Resources
- Interactive Map of wind development in the nation – US Geological Survey
- Cost of Wind Energy 2020 – National Renewable Energy Lab
- Federal Tax Credit Details – Inflation Reduction act
- Levelized Costs of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2022
Scientific Literature
Property Values
- Vyn (2018): Property Value Impacts of Wind Turbines and the Influence of Attitudes toward Wind Energy (Land Economics)
- Wenz, (2024) The visual effect of wind turbines on property values is small and diminishing in space and time (Environmental Sceinces)
Noise and Health
- Davy et al., 2020: A Review of the Potential Impacts of Wind Turbine Noise in the Australian Context, (Acoustics Australia)
- Davy, Burgmeister and Hillman, 2018, Wind turbine sound limits: Current status and recommendations based on mitigating noise annoyance (Applied Acoustics)
- Michaud et al, 2016: Exposure to wind turbine noise: Perceptual responses and reported health effects (Journal of the Acoustic Society of America)
- Hongisto, Oliva, and Keranen, (2017) Indoor noise annoyance due to 3–5 megawatt wind turbines—An exposure–response relationship, (Journal of the Acoustic Society of America)
- Marshall et al., (2023) The Health Effects of 72 hours of simulated wind turbine infrasound: A Double Blind Randomized Crossover Study in Noise Sensitive, Health Adults
- Freiberg et al., 2019 Health effects of wind turbines on humas in residential settings: Results of a scoping review
- Mills, (2017): What Windfarms Mean for Local Communities. Conference presentation
- Teneler and Hassoy (2023) Health effects of wind turbines: a review of the literature between 2010-2020
Wind Energy Opposition
- Susskind et al 2022: Sources of opposition to renewable energy projects in the United States – (Energy Policy)
- Rand and Hoen, (2017): Thirty years of North American wind energy acceptance research: What have we learned? (Energy Research & Social Science)
- Aidun et al, (2022) Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in the United State (Sabin Center for Climate Change Law)
- Zhang et al., (2023) Green or not? Environmental challenges from photovoltaic technology
- Khalid et al., (2023) Recycling of wind turbine blades through modern recycling technologies: A road to zero waste
Wind and Crops
- Kaffine, (2019) Microclimate effects of wind farms on local crop yields
- Iowa State University Research finds wind farms positively impact crops
- Crop Wind Energy Experiment (CWEX): Observations of Surface-Layer, Boundary Layer, and Mesoscale Interactions with a Wind Farm
- Energy Information Administration (2023) Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy in Fiscal Years 2016–2022
- Manjooran, (2013) Clean Energy or Dangerous Skies? Interactions between the wind energy and aerial application industry (Drake Journal of Ag Law)
Nebraska Government Resources
International, NGO and Other Resources
Landowner Issues
Understanding Wind Energy Leases
Wind development in the upper midwest and how it impacts landowers including lease and easements. Presented Nov 18th 2009 by the High Plains Extension Energy Team.
Dr. Shannon Farrel - Oklahoma State University
Watch video: Understanding Wind Energy Leases

Nebraska wind development map 2021 image from Nebraska Department of Energy and Environment
Other Resources
Landowner Resources
- Legal Issues for Landowners to Consider in Negotiating Wind Energy Easements - Washburn University
Evaluating Wind Energy Agreements - Brief Review -2016 - Iowa State University Center for Ag Law and Taxation
Negotiating Wind Energy Property Agreement - Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc
Wind Energy Production: Legal Issues Related Liability Concerns for Landowners in Iowa and Across the Nation - Iowa State University Center for Ag Law and Taxation - Includes sample contract - Nebraska Energy Office - Wind Resources
Landowner Wind Energy Associations: Cornhusker Economics Newsletter
Wind Industry Resources
John Hay
Extension Educator, Energy & Biofuels
(402) 472-0408
Faculty Bio