Soybean Production
- Producers: We Need Your Input to Help Create a Benchmark of Current Soybean Production Practices. Help researchers identify potential yield-limiting factors and yield-boosting changes. PDF survey option now available for easy use.
- March Forecast: a Lion on the Plains. Expect a stormy start to spring and an El Nino likely to stay through summer.
Grain Storage
- Keep Stored Grain Cool and Dry to Extend Storage (2015). As temperatures fluctuate, run aeration fans periodically at night or during the cool part of the day to cool grain. For each 10-degree increase in grain temperature, the allowable storage time decreases by about half.
Insect Management
- New UNL Corn Rootworm Education Resource. Online modules offer education to aid resistance management strategies plus CEUs.
Organic Production
Farm Management
- March Clinics Offer Free Financial and Legal Counseling at 7 Sites. Appointments required.
- Online Ag Marketplace Designed by UNL Students Now an International Contest Finalist. FarmAfield would bring together grain and livestock producers with potential investment partners, building a more direct connection with today's agriculture.
- Farm Succession Workshops at 3 Sites in Early March