March 11, 2019
Cover Crops and Carbon Sequestration: Benefits to the Producer and the Planet
By Julie McDowell - B.S. Candidate at Tulane University and 2018 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Integrated Agronomic Systems Intern, Sabrina Ruis - Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Humberto Blanco - Professor of Soil Science
March 11, 2019
How Does Cover Crop Planting Date Affect Soil’s Susceptibility to Water Erosion?
By Emma Richmond-Boudewyns - B.S. Candidate at the University of Delaware and 2018 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Integrated Agronomic Systems Intern, Humberto Blanco - Professor of Soil Science, Sabrina Ruis - Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Julie McDowell - B.S. Candidate at Tulane University and 2018 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Integrated Agronomic Systems Intern