July 27, 2017
Corn Disease Update: Southern Rust Increasing; Diplodia New to Nebraska
By Tamra Jackson-Ziems - Extension Plant Pathologist, Kyle Broderick - Extension Educator and Coordinator of the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Jenny Rees - Extension Educator, Amy Timmerman - Extension Educator
October 14, 2016
Harvest 2016 — When Corn Yields are Below Expectations
By Jenny Rees - Extension Educator, Tamra Jackson-Ziems - Extension Plant Pathologist, Tyler Williams - Former Cropping Systems Extension Educator, Tom Hoegemeyer - Adjunct Professor of Practice, Patricio Grassini - Professor of Agronomy and Horticulture, and Cropping Systems Specialist, Roger Elmore - Emeritus Extension Cropping Systems Agronomist, Keith Glewen - Extension Educator Emeritus, Suat Irmak – Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, Justin McMechan - Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist
October 14, 2016
What's Causing Black "Dusty" Corn?
September 29, 2016
Scouting for Stalk and Ear Rot Diseases
August 26, 2016
Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn Confirmed in Nebraska, Other Corn Belt States
By Tamra Jackson-Ziems - Extension Plant Pathologist, Kevin Korus - Former Coordinator Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Tony Adesemoye - Extension Plant Pathologist, Julie Van Meter - State Plant Regulatory Official–Nebraska Department of Agriculture
August 19, 2016
Corn Ear Formation Issues Likely Correlated With the Loss of the Primary Ear Node
By Roger Elmore - Emeritus Extension Cropping Systems Agronomist, Jenny Rees - Extension Educator, Justin McMechan - Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist, Tamra Jackson-Ziems - Extension Plant Pathologist, Tom Hoegemeyer - Adjunct Professor of Practice