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Changes In Gasoline IV: A detailed resource to understand the past and present properties of Spark Ignition Engine Fuel

Ethanol and Gasoline Blends in Small Engines: Oklahoma State University Extension

Ethanol and Small Nonroad Engines: Kansas State University Extension

Ethanol and Water Contamination — Comparing Off-the-Shelf Water Removal Additives

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Ethanol will mix with water and thus gasoline ethanol blends can hold some water. This is of particular concern for small engines and engines which are used intermittently due to water contamination during storage. We set out to answer two questions.

  1. How much water can E10, and E15 gasoline ethanol blends hold in solution?
  2. Can off the shelf fuel additives increase the amount of water held in solution?


Water held in gasoline ethanol blends
FUELWater Held in Solution
E - 0Zero teaspoons per gallon
E -103.06 teaspoons per gallon
E - 156.47 teaspoons per gallon
Fuel Additives Claiming to Remove Water
AdditiveWater Held in Solution
STPNo increase in water holding 
BG - Ethanol Fuel System DrierIncreased water holding by 0.23 tsp per gallon
Iso-HEETIncreased water holding by 0.23 tsp per gallon
Stabil - Ethanol TreatmentNo increase in water holding
RisleneNo increase in water holding
HEETPartial Effect: Solution was more clear but phase separated layer remained. we tested water additions in 0.01% increments
SeafoamNo increase in water holding
Valvoline - Nitro ShotNo increase in water holding



  • Unlike pure gasoline ethanol blends can hold small amounts of water in solution which is then run through the engine harmlessly. In pure gasoline small amounts may build up in the tank.  
  • Only 2 of 8 fuel additives tested increased the amount of water held in solution.  All claimed on their label to "remove water", "solve phase separation", "dry the fuel" etc

Our Recommendations

  • Use fresh fuel. Use within 30 days of purchase is best. 
  • Store lawn mower and other small engines empty in a dry place (if not empty then store them completely full to minimize air space). Fuel additives for fuel stabilization are recommended by many manufacturers. This study did not test these other properties of the additives.
  • Large amount of water contamination in a fuel tank is likely equally bad for E-0 or an ethanol blend. Avoid water contamination by covering small engines or storing them in a shed or garage.

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