Solar energy can be used to power a water pump system, yet solar is best suited for remote cattle watering systems where costs to extend power lines are high. Also solar can be suited for pond aeration systems and small scale irrigation systems. A solar water pumping systems consists of a solar panel or array attached to the pump providing sufficient electrical supply. The pump will run when the sun is shining, and can have controls added to turn the pump on or off. Sizing a solar water pump will ensure livestock have enough water during cloudy days; this may be done with either batteries to store electricity or an oversized water tank to store water.
Many local well and water pump service companies are now offering installation and maintenence of solar water pump systems. Calling your local providers can be a good place to start to find what is available and their recommendations. When possible getting multiple quotes is best practice.
Other Resources
Design of Small Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Powered Water Pump Systems - USDA NRCS
Using Solar Energy to Pump Water For Livestock - University of Florida
Solar Powered Groundwater Pumping Systems - Colorado State University Extension
Solar Powered Groundwater Pumping for Livestock Watering - Mississippi State University Extension
Designing Solar Water Pumping Systems for Livestock - New Mexico State University
John Hay
Extension Educator, Energy & Biofuels
(402) 472-0408
Faculty Bio