Julie Peterson - Extension Entomologist

Julie Peterson

402 W State Farm Rd North Platte NE 69101-7751
Work 308-696-6704 On campus, dial 7-6704

Faculty Bio
CW Welcome to Julie Peterson
Twitter: @PetersonInsects

western bean cutworm larvae

Western Bean Cutworm Flight Predictions for 2020

June 17, 2020
The growth stage of corn during WBC flight is critical as moths prefer to lay their eggs on corn plants between the late whorl to early tassel stage. Survival of young WBC larvae is highest if they can feed on newly emerged tassel prior to moving into the ears.

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army cutworm miller moths

Spring Miller Moth Invasion

May 26, 2020
During the daylight hours the army cutworm moths seek shelter in cracks and crevices including those found in houses and other buildings. The moths begin to emerge from these locations at dusk to resume their feeding and westward migration.

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alfalfa weevil lifestages

Scouting Advised for Alfalfa Weevil

May 6, 2020
Alfalfa weevils have been reported damaging alfalfa in north central Kansas. As temperatures warm up, expect to see alfalfa weevil larvae in southern Nebraska and slightly later, in northern Nebraska.

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army cutworm caterpillar

Army Cutworm Scouting Urged in Western Nebraska Wheat and Alfalfa

March 27, 2020
Army cutworms have been spotted in Kansas and Nebraska crop fields this month. This is an important time to scout for this pest, particularly in wheat and alfalfa.

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Painted lady butterfly
Figure 1. Painted lady butterly (Photo by Jim Kalisch)

Painted Lady Butterflies Are Abundant In Many Areas—What Now?

July 10, 2019
Treatment is not recommended for the painted lady butterfly currently being seen in high numbers and could endanger beneficial insects. Treatment thresholds offer guidance for treating feeding caterpillars.

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Japanese beetle

Japanese Beetles Emerging; Scout Corn and Soybean Fields

July 1, 2024
Extension recommendations on estimating total defoliation from multiple insects to determine need for treatment in soybean.

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Crop progress and conditions for corn from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service indicating predicted timing for corn growth stages (2019).

Using Degree-Day Models to Predict Western Bean Cutworm Flights

June 21, 2019
With late planting, slow emergence, and cooler summer temperatures affecting corn development, will corn be spared from western bean cutworm damage in 2019. Unfortunately, models indicate WBC growth is also delayed. See a table of predicted dates for 2019 WBC flights in Nebraska and surrounding states.

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ECB adult female

Light Trap Data Available Online

June 5, 2024
UNL Extension Entomology is monitoring crop insect pests (primarily moths) using black light traps at university facilities at North Platte, Clay Center, Mead and Concord.

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