Nebraska Extension on Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy

February 3, 2017

Nebraska Extension on Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy

By Rick Rasby - Associate Dean Nebraska Extension, Brent Plugge - Extension Educator, Jenny Brhel - Extension Educator, Erin Laborie - Extension Educator, Allan Vyhnalek - Extension Educator, Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition, Aaron Berger - Beef Extension Educator, Gary Zoubek - Emeritus Extension Educator

According to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, one in four jobs in Nebraska is related to agriculture.  This signifies the importance of agriculture to Nebraska’s overall economy.

Nebraska Extension Associate Dean Rick Rasby discusses Extension's new statewide initiative, Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy, in this Market Journal segment.

Current market conditions are a challenge for many agricultural producers.  In response to the economic downturn, Nebraska Extension has developed an initiative focused on strengthening Nebraska’s agricultural economy.

A new series of educational materials is featured on the Nebraska Extension CropWatch and Beef websites. Nebraska Extension specialists and educators from across multiple disciplines share research-based information to help producers reduce input costs, increase efficiencies, and improve profitability of farm and livestock operations. In planning for the coming season, consider how you can incorporate the strategies that best match your cropping systems, livestock operations, and management styles into your operation.

To view the educational materials, please visit the following websites:

If you have questions related to this initiative, please contact any of the authors listed above. (Just click on their name for contact information.)

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