Nebraska Soybean Production
Nebraska ranks 5th in U.S. soybean production and is known for its high-yielding soybean varieties. The state is also a leading producer of soybean meal and oil. In 2023, Nebraska's soybean production resulted in $3.7 billion from 5.2 million acres harvested, according to USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Soybean Production Resources
Soybean Planting Resources
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In-Season Resources
SOYWATER: Soybean Irrigation Decision Tool
Irrigation management made easier for Nebraska's soybean producers. Answer a few questions about your field and this online decision aid for irrigation management will provide you with field-specific daily updates of crop water use and soil water status. Suggests irrigation dates based on your criteria.
SoyWater - CropWatch Article Explanation
How to Register and Use SoyWater
Optimize Your Irrigation Application Timing with SoyWater
Using SoyWater to Schedule Irrigations.
Soybean Flooding and Storm Damage Information
The following are resources to help in your crop insurance and agronomic decisions.
Storage, Grain Drying, Blending and Mycotoxin Issues
- UNL Drought Resources website
- Managing Large Grain Bins for Potential Mycotoxin Contamination
- How to Estimate How Much Grain is in a Bin
- Blending Grain and Feedstuffs: How to Figure the Proper Proportions — This NebGuide will demonstrate how to use a Pierson square to determine the precise proportions of grain or feedstuff required to create a blend.
- Understanding Fungal (Mold) Toxins (Mycotoxins)
- Use of Feed Contaminated with Fungal (Mold) Toxins (Mycotoxins)
- Sampling and Analyzing Feed for Fungal (Mold) Toxins (Mycotoxins)
- Emergency/Temporary Grain Storage: Unconstrained Piles of Grain — Extension in Lancaster County fact sheet.
- Cool, Wet Weather has Slowed Corn and Soybean Drying, No Relief in Sight — October 2009 CropWatch.
- Cool Grain to Avoid Runaway Deterioration — October 2009 CropWatch
- Drying Times for Binned Corn with Natural Aeration — October 2009 CropWatch
- UNL Extension Lancaster County Grain Drying Web Site
- Monitoring Natural Air Corn Drying-A Demonstration Project
- Recommendations for Monitoring Stored Grain in February — February 2010 CropWatch.
- Monitoring Stored Grain in March
- Drying Times for Binned Soybeans with Natural Aeration
- Preparing Bins and Equipment for Pest Free Storage — 2011 CropWatch.
- Tips for Monitoring Stored Grain this Fall and Winter to Maintain Quality — 2012 CropWatch.
- Mycotoxins & Aflatoxins, USDA Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA).
- FDA Action Levels for Aflatoxins in Animal Feeds