Nutrient Management for Agronomic Crops in Nebraska EC 155 available as free online PDF*
This 150-page manual provides nutrient recommendations for all of Nebraska's major agronomic crops in a single resource. The manual contains two components; a section outlining nutrient management principles and key information on macro and micro nutrients and a section containing fertilizer needs, strategies and recommendations for specific crops.
Many of the publications listed below are available in web-friendly and printer-friendly formats at
Fertilizer Recommendations
- Fertilizer Suggestions for Corn. (Extension Circular 117)
Fertilizer nutrient requirements for corn are based on expected yield and nutrient levels in the soil. - Download Corn N Calculator (.xls file)
- Nitrogen Exenders and Additives for Field Crops. Recomended resource on products that can increase N use efficiency and reduce N loss to the environment; published by North Dakota State University and NCERA-103 Regional Committee
- Fertilizer Management for Dry Edible Beans, NebGuide G1713
- Nutrient Management Suggestions for Grain Sorghum, NebGuide G1669,
Fertilizer nutrient needs for grain sorghum are based on expected yield, nutrient levels in the soil and fertilizer-nitrogen costs. - Fertilizing Grass Pastures and Hayland, NebGuide G1977
- Fertilizing Proso Millet, NebGuide G1945
- Sugarbeet Nutrient Management, NebGuide G1459
- Fertilizing Sugarbeets, Sugarbeet Production Guide (*PDF)
- Fertilizing Winter Wheat, EC143
Nutrient Management
- Using Starter Fertilizers for Corn, Grain Sorghum, and Soybeans. NebGuide G361, (PDF version, 642KB; 3 pages)
- Management to Minimize and Reduce Soil Compaction. NebGuide G896 (PDF version, 786 KB; 4 pages)
- Site Specific Management of Nitrogen in Irrigated Corn. (Extension Circular 163 *PDF, 466 KB; 8 pages)
- Spreadsheet Calculator to Compare the Profitability of Adding Alfalfa to Traditional Rotations
- Use and Management of Micronutrient Fertilizers in Nebraska. NebGuide G1830 (PDF version, 1.17 MB, 4 full color pages)
- Using a Chlorophyll Meter to Improve N management. NebGuide G1632, (PDF version 784 KB, 4 pages)
- Harvesting Crop Residues. NebGuide G1846 (PDF version, 659 KB; 4 pages)
- Fertilizers for Vegetables in Home Gardens: Gardener's guide for soil and nutrient management in growing vegetables. NebGuide G945 (PDF version, 667 KB; 4 pages)
Precision Agriculture Extension Circulars
(PDF format, 150-200 KB)
- Untangling the GPS String EC157 (4 pages)
- Soil Sampling for Precision Agriculture EC 154 (8 pages)
- Site Specific Management of Soil pH EC705 (6 pages)
- Applications of Remote Sensing in Site Specific Management EC702 (6 pages)
- Listening to the Story told by Yield Maps EC704 (362 KB; 8 pages)
Soil Sampling
- Guidelines for Soil Sampling. NebGuide G1740 (PDF version 924 KB; 4 pages)
Soil pH
- Lime Use for Soil Acidity Management. NebGuide G1504 (PDF version, 1.02 MB; 4 pages)
- Management Strategies to Reduce the Rate of Soil Acidification. NebGuide G1503 (PDF version, 759 KB; 4 pages)
Manure and Organic Amendments
- Finding Win-Win Opportunities for Using Manure (CW)
- Maximizing Soil Quality Benefits from Manure (CW)
- Application of Liquid Animal Manures Using Center Pivot Irrigation Systems. EC778, (*PDF 1.60 MB; 13 color pages)
- Sewage Sludge Utilization for Crop Production. NebGuide G1939 PDF
- Manure Testing: What to Request? NebGuide G1780 (PDF version, 590 KB; 3 pages)
- Manure Testing for Nutrient Content, NebGuide G1450
- Nebraska Phosphorus Index (2012): Background and Users Guide, EC195 (PDF 165 KB, 6 pages)
- Calculating the Value of Manure for Crop Production, NebGuide G1519 (PDF version 446 KB, 4 pages)
- Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover — Part I: Reduction of Cover, NebGuide 1563
- Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover — Part I: Fine-Tuning the System, NebGuide 1564
- Composting Manure and Other Organic Materials, NebGuide G1315 (PDF version, 409 KB, 4 pages)
Environmental Impacts
- Agricultural Phosphorus Management and Water Quality Protection in the Midwest: a Heartland Regional Water Coordination Publication. rp187 (24 pages)
- Agricultural Nitrogen Management for Water Quality Protection in the Midwest: a Heartland Regional Water Coordination Publication. RP189 (32 pages)
- Targeting Watershed Management Practices for Water Quality Protection: a Heartland Regional Water Coordination Publication. RP195 (24 pages)
- Cost-effective Water Quality Protection in the Midwest: a Heartland Regional Water Coordination Publication, RP197 (24 pages)
*PDF docs require the Acrobat Reader for reading or printing. Download free from the Adobe Web site.
Identify Nutrient Deficiencies
Plant symptoms can be used to differentiate and identify crop nutrient disorders. Symptoms of nutrient deficiency vary with variety, growing conditions, and plant age. Similar symptoms may be caused by other abiotic or biotic stresses.
- Key to Nutrient Deficiencies in Corn and Sorghum Use this key to help identify 7 nutrient disorders observed in Nebraska corn and sorghum.
- Key to Nutrient Deficiencies in Soybean Key to help identify nutrient disorders in soybean.
- Key to Nutrient Deficiencies in Wheat and other Small Grains Key to help identify nutrient disorders found in wheat and small grains.