Wheat Insect Management Resources
Please see the publications and insecticide recommendation tables linked on this page for current wheat pest management information from UNL Extension.
Other related information can be found in the Insect Almanac from the Department of Entomology at UNL.

Wheat Insects

Cereal Aphids, NebGuide 1284
Insecticide Recommendations for Control of Aphids in Wheat
Watch for Army Cutworms, Hessian Flies, Russian Wheat Aphids — Scout winter wheat weekly for insect pests.
Chinch Bugs

More Chinch Bug Images from UNL Entomology
Insecticide Recommendations for Control of Chinch Bugs in Wheat
Chinch Bug Management, NebGuide 806
The life cycle and control of the chinch bug is discussed, with descriptions of possible management options.
Justin MeMechan
Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist
(402) 472-2312
Faculty Bio

Julie Peterson
Entomology Extension Specialist
(308) 696-6704
Faculty Bio

Jeff Bradshaw
Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program
(308) 632-1230
Faculty Bio