Mobile Apps & Tools

woman holding computer in field

Use the tool

Nitrogen Tool

An easy-to-use digital tool to help ag producers determine the appropriate application of nitrogen for individual fields and yield goals. Users can input specifics for individual fields, including soil characteristics, soil nitrate sampling data, organic matter, irrigation practices and economic information. In addition to the nitrogen rate recommendation, the software provides breakdowns of product needed per acre, total product needed for the field and product costs.

wheat variety app map

Use the app

Wheat Variety App

An interactive, web-based application for viewing the UNL Crop Variety and Hybrid Testing Program's wheat variety trial results. The tool features an automated map, which can be fully customized by entering information on region, harvest year, variety, tillage and irrigation to create a unique PDF report for the user. 

ag budget calculator homescreen

Use the tool

Agricultural Budget Calculator

This tool aids producers in determining cost of production and projected cash and economic returns for farm or ranch enterprises. Crops may be entered individually or field by field, and/or by dryland or irrigated enterprise acres, as well as individual field operations. Then, all separate enterprise budgets (field by field or dryland and irrigated) completed for a particular crop are added together for a projected cost of production and estimated returns for a calendar year.

agritools icon

Use the app

AgriTools App

AgriTools provides easy access to location-specific climate and weather information important to the agricultural industry in Nebraska. Data from the High Plains Regional Climate Center, National Weather Service, and Nebraska State Climate Office allows the user to view recent data and forecasts for their current location or other desired locations. AgriTools also provides quick access to related University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension apps and websites.

grain bin volume calculator graphic

Use the tool

Grain Bin Volume Calculator 

This interactive tool is designed to estimate the volume of grain in a round bin. Users input the bin diameter and grain depth, and the tool calculates the volume in cubic feet and bushels. 

woman uses laptop in crop field

Use the tool

Farm Stat

Farm Stat helps farmers and agronomists analyze on-farm research data through a user-friendly interface. It performs statistical analyses, such as variance analysis, and provides clear conclusions about the effectiveness of different treatments. Users can input data manually or via Excel and save their analysis results to revisit later. Training videos, guides and templates assist with using the tool effectively. It's a valuable resource for improving agricultural decision-making. 

cover crop biomass calculator map

Use the tool

Cover Crop Biomass Calculator

The biomass calculator allows users to estimate cover crop biomass production, transpiration and biomass N uptake for a selected cover crop species, location, planting and termination date. The estimates are simulated using the APSIM crop model, an open access computer platform recognized for its ability to represent a range of cropping systems.

center pivot in field below hovering calculations

Use the tool


This Excel-based tool will help producers calculate the costs of owning and operating a center pivot system.