2021 FAQ for Restricted Use Pesticide Dicamba Products (Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®)

February 1, 2021

2021 FAQ for Restricted Use Pesticide Dicamba Products (Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®)

By Amy Timmerman - Extension Educator, Chris Proctor - Weed Management Extension Educator, Jenny Brhel - Extension Educator, Amit Jhala - Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Where can I get more information about these restricted use (RUP) dicamba products?

  1. Nebraska Department of Agriculture: 402-471-2351 (Lincoln); Dicamba Information for 2021
  2. Individual RUP dicamba chemical company (registrant) manufacturers. (See links listed below.)

What are the RUP dicamba products? Where can I learn more about them?

The RUP dicamba products are Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®. EPA approved these products as of Oct. 27, 2020. The labels effective beginning in 2021 and expire on Dec. 20, 2025. Listed below are links to the new labels, and tank mix and nozzle requirements when spraying these products:

  1. BASF Engenia® Herbicide
  2. Bayer XtendiMax® with VaporGrip® Technology
  3. Syngenta Tavium® Plus VaporGrip® Technology

If I was trained for RUP dicamba applications in 2020, do I need training in 2021?

Yes. Annual training is required for applying RUP dicamba products. For 2021, all training will only be offered virtually. To complete training, complete one of the following individual chemical company trainings being offered. Trainings are available as live webinars or as a self-paced online training.

Must I be licensed as a pesticide applicator to buy and use these RUP dicamba products?

Yes, because these newly registered dicamba products are Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP). Anyone buying or applying any of the dicamba RUP products in Nebraska must be licensed as either a private applicator (for personal applications on farmer managed acres) or a commercial/noncommercial applicator (with the Ag Plant).

Do all dicamba product labels require the additional training?

Additional label-required dicamba training is only required when applying the RUP dicamba products: Engenia®, XtendiMax® or Tavium® to dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Other dicamba products (e.g. Banvel, Clarity, etc.) are not labeled as RUPs and do not require label training.

What do I do if I have RUP dicamba left over from previous years?

Under the national EPA RUP Dicamba Cancellation Order issued June 10, 2020, all use of any remaining RUP dicamba is prohibited. There are no provisions for relabeling RUP dicamba sold in 2020 for future use in 2021 and beyond. All remaining product must be returned to the original registrant of the product. For guidance on how to go about returning remaining product, please contact the NDA Pesticide Program at 402-471-2351.

What are changes for 2021?

There are no Nebraska-specific restrictions for use of RUP dicamba products, but there are some additional recordkeeping requirements applicators need to know about.

  1. List of Dicamba Trained Applicators: Nebraska Department of Agriculture will not be keeping a list of applicators who have completed the dicamba training in Nebraska. It is the responsibility of the applicator to keep a copy of the certificate of completion with their records and be able to present evidence of training when requested.
  2. Approved Crops: All RUP dicamba products can only be used for pre-plant, pre-emergence and post-emergence applications on dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton.
  3. Application Time Limit: The federal label has removed planting time limits in place of a national cut-off date.
    • June 30 cut-off date for soybeans
    • Tavium® can be made up to V4 soybean growth stage
    • Engenia® and XtendiMax® cannot be applied beyond R1 soybean growth stage
  4. Boom Height: All RUP dicamba labels require boom heights of 24 inches or less above the top of the surface being treated.
  5. Buffering Adjuvant: Use of an approved volatility reduction buffering agent (i.e. Volatility Reduction Agent or VRA) is now required for all post dicamba. The name of the VRA and use rate must be included in application records.
  6. Application Limitations: Two post applications are allowed per season. Annual cumulative use rate limit is:
    • Engenia® — 51.2 fl oz/acre
    • Xtendimax® — 88 fl oz/acre
    • Tavium® — 113 fl oz/acre
  7. Sensitive Areas, Sensitive Crops and Residential Awareness: Each label has a different definition of sensitive areas. RUP dicamba labels do list several broadleaf crops that are sensitive to dicamba; however, not all sensitive crops are listed. Applicators are encouraged to consult the FieldWatch website for listing of enrolled sensitive crops in the area.
    • Engenia® — bodies of water and nonresidential, uncultivated areas that may harbor sensitive plant species.
    • XtendiMax® — does not use the term “sensitive areas” but does list “certain plants” to include most broadleaf corps, flowers, ornamentals and tress whether outdoors or growing in a greenhouse.
    • Tavium® — residential areas, bodies of water, known habitat for threatened and endangered species and nontarget crops.
  8. Neighboring or Adjacent: Areas that require protection from spray drift and listed as either “neighboring sensitive crops and residential areas” or “adjacent sensitive crops and certain plants.” Nebraska Department of Agriculture believes the term “neighboring” or “adjacent” should use the same 240-foot buffer distance in the label for downwind sensitive crops, sensitive sites or residential areas. Applicators are encouraged to scout and document all nearby sensitive crops and residential areas within 240 feet in any direction of the target site.
  9. Sunrise/Sunset Restriction: Applications cannot be made earlier than one hour after sunrise and must end no later than two hours before sunset. (View the official time for sunrise and sunset by location on the NOAA Solar Calendar.)
  10. Wind Direction, Wind Speed and Temperature: All RUP dicamba labels require that wind speed, wind direction and air temperature be measured at boom height and recorded at the start and finish of any application. Nebraska Department of Agriculture advise applicators to document the device used and if practical, take a photograph of the reading at the start and finish times of the application as proof positive what the real-time weather was doing before and after application.
  11. Endangered Species (ES) Language: The labels now have expanded language for applicators to protect endangered species habitat. To identify restrictions in your area, use the Bulletins Live! Two menu on the EPA’s protection bulletins site. You must follow the measures contained in the endangered species bulletin for the area where you are applying the product. Consult this website or call 1-844-447-3813 no more than six months before application.
  12. ES Buffer: The bulletins require all applications of dicamba to labeled sites within the Endangered Species Protection Zones to maintain a 310-foot downwind buffer and a 57-foot buffer around all borders of the field or target site. This is required whether or not the field is actually close to a known habitat for an endangered species.
  13. ES Locations in Nebraska: As of January 2021, three areas of Nebraska had required endangered species protection:
    • All of Custer County
    • Areas along the southern bow of the Platte River, including parts of Phelps, Kearney and Buffalo counties
    • Areas along the salt march, including parts of northern Lancaster and southern Saunders counties

Bottom Line: NDA recommends checking the bulletins on the EPA website one month before planned applications. Even if there are no apparent endangered species nearby, all fields in the Endangered Species Protection Zone must adhere to the 57-foot setback on all sides of the field and the 310-foot downwind buffer.

More Information

If you have questions concerning something stated in this FAQ or about RUP dicamba use in Nebraska and/or how a specific clause on the RUP dicamba label will be interpreted, please call the Pesticide Program of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) at (402) 471-2351. The NDA website for dicamba information is http://www.nda.nebraska.gov/pesticide/dicamba.html.

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