Update your weed science knowledge and skills at a Nebraska Extension Weed Science School Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020.
University, government, and industry speakers will address current weed science issues as well as recommendations for improving herbicide applications. The school will be held at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead, starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 3.45 p.m.
"Dr. Bryan Young, professor of weed science at the Purdue University is an invited speaker to present his research experience for dicamba off-target movement in soybean," said Amit Jhala, extension weed management specialist and program coordinator.
Tim Creger, pesticide/fertilizer program manager with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, will be discussing NDA's experience investigating dicamba complaints the last three years, including what evidence they look for, types of violations, and the regulatory action taken in response to violations.
Presentations and speakers will include:
- An Overview of Weed Control and Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Nebraska ― Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension weed management specialist
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) Procedure to Investigate Dicamba Off-Target Injury ― Tim Creger, NDA pesticide/fertilizer program manager
- Herbicide Discovery in an Era of Industry Acquisition and Merger ― David Simpson, senior product development manager, Corteva, Indianapolis, IN
- Dicamba off-target movement in soybean ― Bryan Young, professor of weed science, Purdue University
- Corn Ear Formation Issues ― Jenny Rees, Nebraska Extension educator
- Soybean Response to 2,4-D or Dicamba ― Stevan Knezevic, Nebraska Extension weed specialist (see related CW story: Research on the Impact of Dicamba Micro-Rates on Non Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans)
- Weed Identification ― Ethann Barnes, research assistant, and Parminder Chahal, research associate, both in the UNL Department of Agronomy
- Managing Waterhemp ― Chris Proctor, associate weed science extension educator
- Nozzles, Nozzles, Nozzles: Selection and How to Use ― Bob Klein, Extension western Nebraska crops specialist
There is no cost to attend the field day, but participants are asked to register.
Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Continuing Education Units will be available.