Soybean Production and Dicamba Use Survey

August 3, 2018

Soybean Production and Dicamba Use Survey

By Amit Jhala - Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Rodrigo Werle - Former Cropping Systems Specialist, Jenny Brhel - Extension Educator

This year approximately 3.5 to 4 million acres of Xtend soybean were planted in Nebraska, an increase from its introduction in 2017. Three new dicamba-based herbicides — XtendiMax, Engenia, and FeXapan — were labeled for application in Xtend soybean with a two-year approval from US EPA. That product registration is set to expire after the 2018 crop season and may be continued or revised, based on EPA assessment of its use.

Dicamba is a phenoxy group herbicide used in corn and soybean that can result in off-target movement through physical drift, volatility, and tank contamination. A number of broadleaf crops and plants are sensitive to dicamba and Nebraska extension specialists and educators, as well as the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, have received a number of reports of off-target injury.

To gather input from stakeholders, a survey has been created to better understand the views of growers, crop consultants, and other stakeholders on this sensitive issue. Survey results will be shared with Nebraska growers and agribusiness in CropWatch and the 2019 Crop Production Clinics and Nebraska Crop Management Conference. The outcome of the survey also will be shared with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and US EPA. We greatly appreciate your time and input in the survey.


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