Nebraska Cover Crop Conference Feb. 15 for Corn, Soybean Growers

January 26, 2018

Nebraska Cover Crop Conference Feb. 15 for Corn, Soybean Growers

By Keith Glewen - Extension Educator Emeritus

Cover crop plots
Figure 1. Cover crops planted into research plots for the 2017 Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics.

This conference is now full and registration has been closed.

Cover crops offer many benefits, such as improved soil heath and reduced erosion. The challenges lie in the details, including what cover crops to use and how to use them.

Full house at the 2017 Nebraska Cover Crop Conference
It was a full house for the 2017 Nebraska Cover Crop Conference and expected to be again in 2018. Register now to hear from these great speakers. (Photos by Deloris Pittman)

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The Nebraska Cover Crop Conference will address cover crops for corn/soybean rotations Thursday, February 15 at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ENREC) near Mead. The program will be from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m.  Preregister by Feb. 10 to ensure resource materials are available and for meal planning purposes. 

“The conference is designed to provide soybean and corn growers who don’t have livestock with information to effectively use cover crops in their operation,” said Keith Glewen, Nebraska extension educator and conference coordinator.

Topics and presenters include: 

  • The Banker Won’t like Wheat, but Your Soil Will — Here's Why!, Nathan Mueller, Nebraska extension educator;
  • Will Cover Crops Be a New Home for Insects?, Justin McMechan, Nebraska extension crop protection and cropping systems specialist;
  • Cover Crops for Ephemeral Gully Control, Dan Gillespie, Nebraska NRCS no-till specialist;
  • How Cover Crops Work on My Farm, Bill Nielsen, Minden;
  • Why I Encourage My Customers to Use Cover Crops, Lee Briese, independent crop consultant and recipient of the 2016 International Certified Crop Advisor of the Year Award, Edgely, ND;
  • Why I Use Cover Crops on My Farm, Kelly Tobin, corn/soybean grower, New Castle, Iowa;
  • Cover Crops for Corn and Soybean Producers, Keith Berns, Green Cover Seeds, Bladen; and a
  • Farmer Panel with growers, landowners, and consultants.


Preregister by February 9 by calling 402-624-8030 or emailing  Information is online at:

The conference is sponsored by Nebraska Extension and the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff in partnership with the Lower Platte North Natural Resources District and USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

For more information on cover crop management throughout the season, check the articles and newsfeed at


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