New Extension Crop Publications

August 17, 2017

New Extension Crop Publications

By Nebraska Extension

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Biologicals In Plant Disease Management (G2290)

Author: Tony O. Adesemoye, Extension Plant Pathologist, West Central Research and Extension Center

Plant pathogens and their associated diseases are major limitations to crop production. Developing an integrated pest management (IPM) system that combines biological, chemical, and cultural control options for disease management is efficient, economical, and very attractive for better crop quality and environmental sustainability. This publication focuses on biological products that can be integrated into plant disease IPM strategies for field crops.

Introduction To Biological Products For Crop Production And Protection (EC3019)

Author: Tony O. Adesemoye, Extension Plant Pathologist, West Central Research and Extension Center

The rapid development of agriculture in the last six decades relied mainly on improved crop varieties, modern irrigation methods, and new chemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers. These technologies continue to be very relevant and beneficial to agricultural productivity. In recent years, however, there have been many reasons for the need to improve the strategies of using these technologies as well as to search for new tools. Improvements in the use of biological methods and development of new biological products fit well into the needed improved strategies or new paradigm.

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