CropWatch welcomes Kyle Broderick to the slate of Nebraska Extension specialists and educators contributing to CropWatch. See his clinic update in last week's CropWatch and watch for future clinic reports this season.
On April 1, I became coordinator of the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic after working as an extension technologist in a University of Nebraska soybean pathology lab for six years. Most of my research focused on management of soybean cyst nematode using resistant varieties and seed treatments and conveying the information to the public through field days and demonstration sites. Additionally, I was involved in seedling disease surveys.
I grew up on a small farm near Seward, Nebraska; though both of my parents were teachers, growing up around commercial agriculture helped foster a passion for plant sciences. I received my bachelor’s degree in plant protection sciences and my master’s in agronomy (plant pathology) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Knowing one’s enemy is the first step towards beating it. With plant pathology accurate diagnosis allows us to know what’s causing the disease and guides proper management. I look forward to working with industry professionals, growers, and the general public across the state of Nebraska to properly manage disease in agronomic, horticultural, and landscape plants.