Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have declined in price in recent years, greatly improving their economics and potential use in rural areas.
This fall Nebraska Extension will be hosting workshops on Solar Energy in Agriculture: Considerations for Investing in Photovoltaic Solar Systems at three locations: North Platte, York, and Norfolk. These workshops will feature discussions on the feasibility and economics of such systems for farms, ranches, and small businesses. Anyone interested in solar PV systems would benefit, yet the main focus will be applications of solar PV in agriculture and rural businesses. Participants will learn how to use basic online tools to model their own locations and learn about economic considerations such as payback, grants, tax credits, and depreciation.
Workshop Schedule
Please preregister by Nov. 25 by contacting the Nebraska Extension office in the host county listed below.
- North Platte — Tuesday, Nov. 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the UNL West Centreal Research and Extension Center, 402 W. State Farm Road. Preregister by calling 308-532-2683.
- York — Thursday, Dec. 1 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the 4-H Building, York County Fairgrounds, 2400 Nebraska Ave. Preregister by calling 402-362-5508.
- Norfolk — Thursday, Dec. 8 from 1 to 3 p.m., Lifelong Learning Center, 701 E. Benjamin Ave. Preregister by calling 402-370-4040.
For more information visit the Bioenergy section of CropWatch or call F. John Hay at 402-472-0408 or email at