Annual Nebraska Dry Bean Field Tour Set for Aug. 16

August 3, 2016

Annual Nebraska Dry Bean Field Tour Set for Aug. 16

By David Ostdiek - Former Communications Specialist, Panhandle REC

The 2016 Dry Bean Field Tour, scheduled for Aug. 16, will be an opportunity to view the latest bean research at the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center and hear updates on topics of interest to bean producers.

Registration begins 9 a.m. and at 9:30 a.m. speakers will take the stage. Panhandle Center Director Jack Whittier and Paul Pieper, president of the Nebraska Dry Bean Growers Association, will provide welcomes.

Extension Educator Jessica Groskopf will present “Is it the 80s? Comparing Downturns in the Farm Economy," which will be followed by a panel of area bankers discussing today's financial climate.  Extension Educator John Thomas provide an update on direct harvest research and field sampling. Courtney Schuler of the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission will provide a brief update on commission activities. Representatives from the offices of Senators Deb Fischer and Ben Sasse also plan to be present.

After the presentations participants can board trailers to tour dry bean research plots at the Panhandle Center.

Tour stops will include these topics and presenters:

  • Weather Effects on Dry Bean Variety Trials — Jim Schild, Extension Educator
  • Bacterial Diseases in Beans: What we are Doing to Combat Them — Bob Harveson, Extension Plant Pathologist.
  • Dry Bean Diversity — Carlos Urrea, Dry Bean Breeding Specialist
  • Bee-friendly Beans — Eduardo Valentin, Dry Bean Breeding Research Techician.
  • Weed Control in Beans — Nevin Lawrence, Extension Integrated Weed Management Specialist.

The field day will conclude with lunch.

The Field Tour is co-sponsored by the Nebraska Dry Bean Growers’ Association and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.


See other 2016 CropWatch stories related to dry bean production.

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