May 10, 2012
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At 59.7 million bushels, Nebraska's estimated winter wheat crop is down 9% from last year and the smallest since 1954, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Average yield is forecast at 47 bushels per acre, up 2 bushels from last year and 6 bushels above the 10-year average. With high corn and soybean prices, fewer acres were planted to wheat last fall.
Acreage to be harvested for grain is estimated at 1.27 million acres, down 180,000 acres or 12% from last year and the smallest since 1917. This would be 94% of the planted acres, below last year but equal to the 10-year average. The April 29 wheat condition was rated 70% good to excellent, above both last year and average. Crop development was about two weeks ahead of normal with heads starting to show.
May 1 hay stocks of 1.1 million tons are down 20% from last year and 6% below the 10-year average.