Controlling Buckbrush in Pasture

Controlling Buckbrush in Pasture

June 15, 2007

Buckbrush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) is a common native weed in northeastern Nebraska's rangeland, woodland and ravines and along streams. It is a perennial forb that reproduces both by seeds and rhizome. Rhizome is a horinzontal creeping root system growing within 2-12 inches of top soil. Rhizome can access soil moisture from a deeper profile at a much better rate than fibrous roots of pasture grasses, giving buckbrush the competitive advantage over grass, especially during dry years.

Buckbrush plants usually start growing in sparse groups (patches or clusters) and then spread further if not controlled. Its stem is erect, two to six feet tall, brownish, somewhat smooth and has many branches. Leaves are opposite and elliptic to ovate with pointed tips. Like many other plant species, the overall growth and development depends on the amount and timing of rainfall.

In Nebraska buchbrush can flower from July to August with greenish-white to purple flowers. It provides forage for deer early in the season and its fruit is an important food source for upland gamebirds, wild turkeys and songbirds. Buckbrush has no value to livestock because of its low palatability.

Management Recommendations

Ranchers need to control this species because heavy stands can reduce grass production as much as 80%, especially in dry years, and the plants have no value for livestock forage. Goats and sheep can reduce stands considerably if kept confined in the area. A single mowing of new 1-2 feet tall plants also can reduce buckbrush population, especially in dry years. Additional mowing will be needed in wet years. Mowing can also help remove previous growth to prepare the site for broadcast applications of herbicides.

Herbicides are the most effective tools in providing season-long control. Apply herbicides when new growth is 6-12 inches tall. The list of effective herbicides and their rates per acre include: 2,4-D-Ester (2-3 qt/ac), Grazon P+D (1-2 qt/ac), Telar (1.0 oz/ac); mix of Cimarron (0.25 oz ) with WeedMaster (16 oz); mix of Cimarron (0.25 oz/ac) with RangeStar (16 oz/ac), and Cimarron (Ally, Escort) used alone at 0.5 oz/ac.

Stevan Knezevic
Extension Weeds Specialist

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