Wilber Crop Clinic Set for Feb. 12

Wilber Crop Clinic Set for Feb. 12

January 26, 2016

“Practical, Profitable and Environmentally Sound Solutions for Agriculture” is the theme for the 2016 Wilber Crop Clinic. Extension Educator Randy Pryor said a wide range of presentation topics and commercial displays will be featured at this year's event Friday, February 12 at the Sokol Hall in Wilber.  The clinic will begin with registration, viewing of sponsor displays, coffee, kolaches, and rolls at 8 a.m.  The educational program is slated for 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Speakers from Nebraska Extension and private industry will cover cutting edge agronomic and management topics, said Pryor, program host.  Extension Educator Gary Lesoing will kick off the program with a cover crops research update and Al Dutcher, UNL associate state climatologist, will review short- and long-term climate models for the 2016 growing season.   

After a mid-morning break, Brad Lubben, UNL Extension agricultural economist, will look at the future of farm bill payments and share some economic summaries. Richard Ferguson, UNL Extension soil nutrient specialist, has new, replicated researched-based information on how to be more efficient with nitrogen applications.  New for this year, Pryor will discuss his sampling for soybean cyst nematodes along the Blue River bottom from DeWitt to Crete and John Wilson, Extension educator from Burt County, will discuss the latest strategies for managing this yield-robbing soil nematode.

After lunch York CPA Larry Kopsa will present on “$7 Corn’s Gone – Now What?”, an income tax update and challenges for agriculture.  Wrapping up the afternoon will be Lowell Sandell, former UNL Extension Educator in weed science.  Sandell will talk about how palmer amaranth and other herbicide-resistant weeds are causing farmers to use new strategies to maintain yields. 

For more information or for commercial booth space, contact Lou Hajek at the Nebraska Extension Office in Saline County at 402-821-2151 or lhajek2@unl.edu. For program sponsors and more detail, see program flyer.

Randy Pryor, Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension in Saline County

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