Herbicide Classification Chart

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Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds is a significant challenge for Nebraska crop producers and land managers. In selecting a herbicide program, it is not enough that growers use different herbicides. They also must ensure they are using effective herbicides with different sites of action. This can provide the diversity needed to help slow further development of herbicide resistance.

The evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds requires that growers carefully select their herbicides, considering which herbicides belong to which site-of-action group as classified by the Weed Science Society of America. A numbering system has been developed to help growers select their herbicide program using different sites of action.

Updated every year, the Herbicide Classification Chart developed by Take Action is an easy-to-use guide for growers to reference when selecting herbicides based on their site of action. Sponsored by the United Soybean Board, Take Action is an industry-wide partnership between university weed scientists, major herbicide providers and corn, cotton, sorghum, soybean and wheat organizations to help growers manage herbicide-resistant weeds.

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herbicide classification chart