September 28, 2007
The final 2007 estimate for Nebraska wheat production totaled 84.3 million bushels, 38% above last year's crop and 23% above two years ago, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Average yield in Nebraska is estimated at 43 bu/ac, unchanged from the August forecast but 7 bushels above last year. Area harvested for grain, at 1.96 million, is 40,000 acres below the August forecast but 260,000 more than last year.
Oat production in 2007 totaled 2.38 million bushels, 18% above the 2006 crop. Planted acreage, at 120,000, is down 40,000 acres from 2006 while harvested acreage for grain, at 35,000, is down 10,000 acres from a year ago. Yield, at 68 bu/ac, is up 23 bushels from last year.